Course XXXII - Teaching 15: Formation of Planetary Systems

The great Creational Work is made; one after another, vast cosmic flames gradually form numberless planetary chains.
Do these wheels of worlds possess a definite number, or are incalculable?
Is the Created Universe a circle indefinitely widened, or a limited and defined curve?
If the Universe is boundless and planetary systems are innumerable to the so limited human mind, then the Universe has limits and measure to the Spirit.
Just the Eternal One, in His unconditioned aspect, is Boundless; just the Non-Being is With No Number, and numeration starts just by the First Manifestation.
Space is a vast ocean of fused primordial matter, in which the substratum of all elements stays.
In this immeasurable sea of sodium, radium, ethereal fire, magnetic vibrations and mental particles, basic elements are condensed around the eternal principles of life.
Immeasurable atomic clouds fluctuate throughout inter-stellar spaces as if they were large islands.
The Milky Way, spermatic substance of God, takes form, while fiery dust and ultra-powerful cosmic rays undulate and revolve quite rapidly throughout the whole Universe. And behind these first forces, behind these basic powers, always you find the enlivening Spirit in action, –incalculable Hosts of minds building Planetary Chains.
Mental Cosmic particles are like vibrating waves in sidereal depths, gathering together cosmic dust and Primordial Matter in order to carry them to their intended end.
Fiery whirlpools, or Cosmic Energy, enlivened by the guiding idea, charge and distribute the Primordial Matter; and by moving It, they form cosmic clouds –basic material to forming Planetary Chains.
These vast stellar clouds are burning, luminous masses revolving, as it were, quite rapidly upon themselves, on the zenith pole of the hypothetical sphere, traced beforehand by the Builders as an immense magnetic wheel.
The stellar cloud expels its first-born one toward the centre of the wheel and, even though it shines like its Mother, does not burn like Her. It is the symbolic number 00, the rebellious star, but leader of its brothers and of the birth wheel. It is the Son.
It is Ahahihaka.
Here you can notice the difference between Laplace’ theory (of present astronomers by which they suppose Solar masses emanated from planets) and the esoteric theory (by which it is not the Son the first orb emanated from an early mass).
Moreover, contrary to ordinary theories, the Esoteric Science states, the Suns shine but do not burn; they are dark and cold stars, which absorb heat from the universal ether, as if they lived by the Mother’s milk and used it for their particular systems.
Later, other sons or planets emanate from the Mass Mother, place themselves upon the wheel and revolve around their elder brother, by attracting and by repulsing one another some times, and by harmonizing one another other times.