Course XXXII - Teaching 14: Universal Creation

Three Creators, three Builders and nine Architects make the Universe.
The Divine Mother covers Her First-born Child with Her mystical veil, and cosmic powers form invisible spheres by marking steps on the immeasurable circle; and numberless stars of planetary systems will be fixed upon their hypothetical surfaces (zero points, cosmic laya centres).
“Marking steps” means the gradual descent of great cosmic principles to material elements. The sentence, “The Divine Mother covers Her First-born Child with Her mystical veils”, means the same, because in this case the Child is the Manifested Spirit, and His Mother’s veils are cosmic principles covering and trapping Him for His manifestation on state of lower life (or planetary systems) devised by Himself.
Once the Highest Creator has devised the Universe, He cannot get back because the Law is established immediately, and this Law can be destroyed by following it.
These three Creators are: Spirit in Se, Universal Spirit and Mind.

- Spirit in Se. 2. Universal Spirit. 3. Mind.
This higher trinity is reflected in a lower trinity.
This instantaneous reflection of one triangle in another becomes the connection; the seven Universal Builders are formed by these six vertices and the point of union. These are the seven cosmic tatwas.
The First Creator is Spirit in Se, the Highest Bliss, Vedantic Ananda. He is the Laya Centre, Potential Spirit in the first ternary of the Builders. It is the Triad of Cosmic Consciousness.
The First Cohort of Builders, or First Ray, circumscribes the consciousness of the Being.
The Second Cohort expands the consciousness of the Being in the circumscribed field.
The Third Cohort establishes this consciousness.
The second Creator is Universal Spirit, Soul of the World, source of all pain and all love; He is active spirit in the second ternary of the Builders. He is the Divine Incarnation upon the Earth.
The fourth Cohort of Builders is the Creational Will.
The fifth Cohort is the relativity of this Will, applied to different evolutionary states.
The sixth Cohort is individuality, personified Will.
The third Creator is Mind of the Cosmos, and Spirit of the seven Cohorts of Builders –Builders of the objective existence.

- Consciousness of Being. 2. Expanded Consciousness. 3. Stability of Consciousness. 4. Creational Will. 5. Relative Will. 6. Individual Will. 7. Existence (central point)
During the entire cycle of Manifestation, the Builders contribute to developing the Planetary Wheels and remain active (though invisible) on the Universal scene.
Powers emanated from the Builders, namely, the nine Architects act in a visible way by systemizing the Planetary Chains.
These Divine Beings are already extraordinarily evolved on a cycle of former manifestation, and again emerge to life, or awake from the eternal sleep, when the Builders have prepared and traced the Universal Work.
In this case, awakening does not mean oblivion of their state of consciousness during their sleep, because these great Hosts do not lose their clear consciousness during the cosmic night.
To Them, awakening is the purpose achieved.
The Hosts of the Architects are nine, named and distributed as follows:
The first Creator and the First Building Ray are Potential Spirit in the first Host, or Architects of Number.
The first Creator and the second Building Ray are Potential Spirit in the second Host, or Architects of Sound.
The first Creator and the third Building Ray are Potential Spirit in the third Host, or Architects of Line.
The second Creator and the fourth Building Ray are Active Spirit in the fourth Host, or Architects of Thought.
The second Creator and the fifth Building Ray are Active Spirit in the fifth Host, or Architects of Language.
The second Creator and the sixth Building Ray are Active Spirit in the sixth Host, or Architects of Form.
The third Creator and the seventh Building Ray are extant Life in the seventh Host, or Stellar Architects, in the eight Host, or Architects of Humanity, and in the ninth Host, or Architects of Shadow.
In Christian Theology, the nine Hierarchies of the Heavenly Choir correspond to:
First: Cherubim.
Second: Seraphim.
Third: Thrones.
Fourth: Dominations.
Fifth: Virtues.
Sixth: Powers.
Seventh: Principalities.
Eighth: Archangels.
Ninth: Angels.