Course XXXII - Teaching 13: First Manifestation

The expansion drove away the darkness on the heavenly vault, and the wonderful race of the Creation, that of the First Manifestation started.
Three points traced on the virgin space make this Manifestation:

- Spirit in Se. 2. Primordial Substance. 3. Spirit-Substance
When the first circle (a point) is traced, the Unique Egg takes form.
Here you can intuit the potential existence of the Creation behind the shell of the Egg –pure Spirit absorbed in Se; you feel the rapid palpitation of the Substance, and that the Manifested Universe will emerge from this union of Spirit and Cosmic Substance.
When the second circle is traced, you can watch (as the white) the difference between Spirit in Se and Primordial Substance.
Potentially, Spirit and Substance are undifferentiated, but you may feel it; and you will know it in active state with clarity.
The third circle is traced –the yolk of the Egg.
The Spirit in Se is Potential Spirit, and the Primordial Substance is Primordial Substance. The name of its Self-knowledge is Spirit-Substance.
The first circle is traced in the Universe.
Spirit and Substance have kissed one another on reflections of darkness and light. And the mist is driven away.
But if the light drives the mist away, darkness never stops being what it is.
The first circle of the Manifestation is the wonderful Egg in which the Son of the Ever-Virgin is gestated.
The Fist-born One is about to be born.
The Cosmic Egg is symbol of the circle that the Essence One traces on the space, and in which the whole Universal Creation will appear.
Which is the name of the First-born Child?
How is His form and which is His species?
It is a profound mystery that just the soul may reveal, the Great Day when the soul can cross the boundless limit.
On the vast wilderness where an imperceptible fluttering announces life, He is about to be born of Himself; as soon as He is born, He sees Himself; as soon as He sees Himself, He knows Himself; and as soon as He knows Himself, He will become the Personal God.
The second circle is traced on the Universe.
As above, so below. Even though you may differentiate Spirit from Substance, Spirit and Substance never will be separate.
The approximation of Substance to Spirit is like the approximation of the Creational vibration to its Laya (or Potential) Point.
The third circle is traced.
The Spirit in Se and the Primordial Substance know one another in the Egg; and the Universe is gestated by reflection of this Self-knowledge.
If on the day of descent, the circle had this legend: “Not to pass”, on the day of the Great Return it will read: “Come with us”.
Again it is the return to the Pure Essence, to the Divine Mother.
And it is the return to the Father –to the Unconditioned Being.
These three points or potential circles reflect and project, at a time in the Universe, limits of the Active and Creative Manifestation.

- Universal Spirit. 2. Soul of the Cosmos. 3. Life
The first circle is traced, and the Unique Egg is broken in order to show the whole Universal Creation.
The power has given life to cosmic action, to unique action.
The second circle is traced.
A veil covers the Universal Spirit, as the white covers the yolk of an egg; and its only raiment is this –the Soul of the Cosmos.
Without the Soul of the Cosmos, the Universal Spirit would be unable to trace the third circle and to generate the unique life.
The Spirit in Se reflected Its obscurity and limited Its darkness in the unfathomable abyss of the eternity. Its reflection was Light and Universal Spirit; and the third triangle emerged from the difference between darkness and light.

- Mind. 2. Matter. 3. Energy
The first circle is traced and the First-born One comes into being, the first life, He that contains all, –the Mind of God.
His is the Divine Androgynous One, He is Ihes, He is the Personal God.
If you negate the idea of the Personal God, then you have to negate the idea of the extra-cosmic God, because a Being without number and measure can be explained just by a unique number and by a perfect measure. Moreover, in fact an extra-cosmic God and a Personal God become non-existent because they would be two gods; just there is one God that our mind divides because is unable to grasp Him to the full as the Manifested One and to intuit Him as the Non-Manifested One.
This First-born Child, God’s Mind, is unique number and perfect measure.
But, since this First-born Child reflects in His Mind the light of His Father (Universal Spirit), and the darkness of His Mother (Spirit in Se), He preserves in His mind the three Creational principles, which emanate from His Mind as the Three Universal Creational Principles.
The second circle is traced.
The Divine Mind reflects Its existence, and Its reflection is Energy and Matter. The Divine Androgynous One became both man and woman, and both Mind and Matter.
God was made Satan; Life was made death; and the Word was made flesh.
The third circle is traced, which is knowledge of Mind and Matter, or movement. Movement is Cosmic Energy.
The Divine Mind, which knows the three Creators, is aware of these as are those potential principles above described, reflecting themselves as three active agents animated by the Unique Spirit.
This knowledge of the Divine Mind creates the seven Builders –seven fiery whirlpools of Cosmic Energy.
They are about to start working.
The Mind –the noblest mode of the Primordial Substance– moulds and moulds.
The energy carries from one point to another, to the angles of Life, its lighted torches, and is knitting the sublime cobweb where the nine Architects of the Universe will remain trapped.
And like a vast ocean of burning lava, the Matter is already prepared and the Hosts will work on it in order to form all of the Wheels.