Course XXXII - Teaching 12: The Awakening

A new day of cosmic existence begins.
Just as the night darkness disappears at dawn with the quiet luminosity of the day on boundless space, so “Non-Being” becomes “Being”.
A dawn is a microscopic image of the great dawn in the manvantara day.
One ray alone has been emanated and emitted in the everlasting depths of the Unconditioned One, in that deep shadow.
The Immaculate Mother, the Self-created, the ever-Alone, emerges from this primary point, or Spirit-Root.
The Spirit in Se has molded the Primordial Substance; the two are Spirit-Substance:

- Spirit in Se. 2. Primordial Substance. 3. Spirit-Substance
This triangle represents the Ternary of the Potential Spirit.
The Spirit in se reflects itself as Soul of the Cosmos in the Universe, and gives rise to life:

- Spirit in se. 2. Soul of the Cosmos. 3. Life
This triangle represents the Ternary of the Active Spirit.
Life is Spirit-Mind, Matter and Energy:

- Spirit-Mind. 2. Matter. 3. Energy
This triangle represents the Ternary of Spirit-Matter.
An immeasurable vibration has shaken the Eternal Bosom.
Darkness emerges from darkness, and when this darkness from Non-Manifested Darkness is revealed, it emanates the Light: “There was Light”.
Self-reflected Darkness and Light produce the manifesting appearance.
Solemn time to Wake Up: The Spirit of God, Potential Mother of the Universe, darkness born of Darkness, was upon the face of the waters –Universal Spirit and Mother of the activity.
The pure mass of Light, Mystical Gold, shines upon the silent, unpolluted waters of the Eternal River.
The thought of the Cosmic Soul has produced the differentiation.
As a wonderful sprout, the Spirit of the Universe, the Divine Mother’s womb widened from inside outwards and reverted, scatters drops of unpolluted blood throughout a boundless space, and creates wonderful chains of Beings-Builders of the Universe.
Darkness and light, spirit and substance, and darkness piercing the light remain manifested when the solitary ray is emitted and when the Eternal Vibration is produced; God puts the germ of Universal Life into the purest Mother’s womb, into Her immaculate matrix. And the Cosmic Egg, source of life as a whole, takes form in the matrix of the boundless space.
The Primordial Substance, or matter –which had remained in the Mother’s womb in an undifferentiated and potential form– is centered.
The Primordial Substance is not the ether of present science, because this ether is just a modality of that Substance; on the contrary, the cosmic ether is matter in its original and homogeneous state.
This universal substance, Soul of the Cosmos, is the akasha of Hindu sages, the abyss in ancient theogonies (where the void is non-existent) and the waters in the Bible’s Creation.
This cosmic substance remains uniform and unconditioned, while the Spirit of the Manifestation is absorbed in itself as Spirit in Se, but when it is time to the full or active Manifestation, the Divine Light entirely floods the Substance and then Life emerges.
How wonderful is to think of the worlds made by the Divine Breath because verily the Universal Substance as a whole is vivified and lives when the Divine Spirit manifests Itself.
This Substance is as divine and eternal as the Spirit. Just its form is variable and perishable.
The awakening of life is no more than the conscious action of the Universal Thought, which constrains primordial substances to an ordered and rhythmic movement.
The Universal Thought fixed upon the Cosmic Substance results in the astringent movement.
As the Divine Thought looks at the Substance, or Cosmic Soul, removes its uniformity and divides it into compact forms that are similar one another and start moving rhythmically by the attraction of this Thought.
Universal atoms, awakened by this Universal Thought, come apart and rush to gather, spread and number off, and finally they become forms.
Now the Primordial Substance divides Itself into three mystical parts: Mind, Energy and Matter.
Rhythm begins when the cosmic substance scatters; rhythm becomes law; law becomes duration; duration becomes time; and time becomes limitation.
And rhythm, or movement, gives rise to form because of its rapidity.