Course XXIV - Teaching 10: Diverse Types of Initiates of Fire

Initiates of Fire appear continuously on Earth. Their number cannot be calculated and it is impossible to define accurately their types.
They are at every aspect of life that has to be animated; so they are musicians, artists, saints, theologians, sages, explorers, warriors, et cetera. In every one of multiple manifestations of human evolution, there is one of Them stimulating the effort.
Whatever be the work they develop and whatever the place where they are, they have an unmistakable characteristic: they have disciples. They feel an imperative need of educating souls by conveying their feelings, wisdom and experience.
With sure hand, They kindle the sacred fire which burns inaction; and create new yearnings and eagerness in the souls.
When there are wars, these Initiates call to peace and moderation, and in the times of peace, they promote renewals.
When superstition and fanaticism reign, They stimulate knowledge and tolerance; while when men languish and decline, they comfort them by making them feel love for life and understand beauty.
In immortal paints they leave historic traits of the people that has passed or belonged to a time gone by. They sing sorrows and pains of men and, with heavenly melodies, disclose their divine origin to mankind.
Their action is achieved in schools, temples, convents and several esoteric associations, by influencing cultural movements and also by inspiring those persons that command and lead the human society.
Sometimes works of these men somewhat create confusion because they animate certain aspects of life seemingly distant from spirituality but that also really contribute to perfection and progress of man. Since they have disciples that grasp their characteristic tendencies, through them schools and religious orders, scientific movements, et cetera are formed.
There is a group of Initiates of Fire whose special mission is to represent the astral circle that leads and protects all Initiates of Fire on Earth.
Not always the work of these Initiates is to educate disciples and form souls to reflect on the world their particular aspirations; many times their work is that of awakening souls of great Initiates and extraordinary beings that must develop a different work from theirs’ in the world. In this case, as divine intuition, they work continuously in the soul of a person that has been entrusted to them. They do not project anything of them in these souls, but awaken in them continuously the memory of the mission they must have developed by teaching them everything eventually useful for it.
Other times they exclusively come to be in the company of certain Solar or Lunar Initiates. In such cases, if they are unnoticed, they are as solicitous to fulfill their work of friendship or relationship with the Initiate whose company are sharing that they become truly admirable.
Often for the work of a Solar or Lunar Initiate to be complete, many Initiates of Fire must imitate his life and propagate his doctrine in smaller circles; they do so and try to reproduce the life of the Great Initiate assigned to them; in this case, his work can be called of a solar or lunar type.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
