Course XXIII - Teaching 6: Seven Ramifications of the Early Aryan Race

Aryan-Aryans of Marichi’s Tribe, who did not start the conquest of the coast, got certain characteristics eventually emphasized in the period of time between the end of the first sub-race and the beginning of the second one.
They would dwell on the Tibet and in surroundings of the Gobi Sea; and later were definitely absorbed by the Iranians.
The group of Aryan-Aryans belonging to Atri’s Tribe, who would stay in Mongolia, extended their control until the Caspian Sea, in those days more extended than today; and to the North until the banks of the Frozen Sea, now Siberia.
But those people of Atri’s Tribe remained almost hidden during the second sub-race, and those who did not mixed with Vashisha’s Tribe were eventually absorbed by the Iranians.
Aryan-Aryans of Narada’s Tribe went to the South, mixed with pure Atlanteans and formed the Aryan-Semitic sub-race.
Those of Vashishia’s Tribe migrated to the North, bordered the Frozen Sea, and went to an island approximately sited in the present Central Europe. They remained hidden, and the Aryan-Semites were unaware of their existence.
A group of these Aryan-Aryans of Vashishia’s tribe migrated, crossed Ruta island, which was separated from Central America only by a channel, joined to the Atlanteans and formed a genuine type that later was absorbed by the Iranians.
Another group of Vashishia’s Tribe migrated to the South, crossed large islands where today is Central Africa, and reached the Southern part. They tried to destroy the Atlanteans, but also they were destroyed, remaining only one little colony where the Atlanteans prevailed.
Atlantean Mongols inhabited the other part of the continent.
These seven ramifications can be named:

BLACK PEOPLE: Atlantean Mongols;
SWARTHY PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Narada’s Tribe;
COPPERY PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans; Marichi’s Tribe;
YELLOW PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Atri’s Tribe;
RED PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who migrated to America;
DARK PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who migrated to Africa;
WHITE PEOPLE: Aryan-Aryans, Vashishia’s Tribe, who remained in Europe.

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