Course XXIII - Teaching 11: Formation of the Aryan-Celtic Sub-race

Aryan-Iranians that occupied the area at present watered by the bowl of Ienisei River, boarded the Frozen Sea and later came down in the area of Haneioc River, which they subdued and devastated.
A colony of Aryan-Iranians that were there established migrated to Northwest, in an area that mainly would occupy the place of the present Mediterranean Sea, although also considerably extended more to North, since remnants of it are mountain areas in Scotland and Basque Provinces, as well as in Sicily and Calabria.
All this land was surrounded –like a great amphitheatre– by extinct volcanoes, being limited to North by the Frozen Sea and to East by a huge river that separated it from the area of Haneioc.
The area of present Mediterranean Sea was alluvial earth, very fertile, with a mild and variable weather, which provided its dwellers with huge crops and grass for animals in abundance.
But 57,000 years ago, a noticeable change of climate occurred, along with important seismic phenomena. Volcanoes came into action and in the beginning launched so much quantity of ash that darkened the sky for weeks; later, craters vomited fire and, at the end, great currents of lava rushed through slopes dragging everything, which along with intense seismic movements opened the river bed of the Eastern river that also enabled waters of the Frozen Sea to invade the fertile plain.
Thousands of inhabitants perished, and some of them saved themselves by fleeing to the mountains. After this time of convulsions, in the place of a fertile earth a sea remained, which later would be the present Mediterranean Sea, although being sowed by beautiful and fertile islands.
Some few survivors started a new life and fought continuously against the sea and Nature.
The rest of Aryan-Iranians –defeated, overwhelmed and almost totally destroyed by Nature– were destined to be the beginning of the Aryan-Celtic sub-race.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
