Course IX - Teaching 7: Admittance of the Sons

The Regulation sets up requirements of outer source for those candidates eventually incorporated in a Table. These requirements are as follows:
a) Good reputation assuring that the candidate has lived a discreet life, without morbid inclinations to evil; surely, the Great Current would be harmful to beings with such inclinations instead of improving them.
b) To possess necessary instruction to receive the teachings. Although the Holy Order is not fond of extremely speculative beings, it does not admit those who lack the least indispensable instruction. The one that in his life lacks sufficient will or mental capacity to get the least knowledge cannot be helpful for the path, with the exception of extraordinary cases.
c) He is bound to have honorable and sufficient sustenance means. Neither affluence nor indigence is an acceptable extreme in a spiritual man. One can be sure that a man is in the quest of God for the sake of God when he earns his livelihood in a sufficient and honorable way. Thence the above-mentioned demand.
d) Submit a written work. The individual shall express there the kind and intensity of his vocation.
These are outer requirements; also there are inner requirements observed by the Son that assists the aspirant in the usual way.
The first requirement is that of conversation, through which the Son can detect problems of the candidate and assess his sincerity and ability.
The second requirement is that of observation. The outer behavior is a reflection of inner convictions. The observation of the former illuminates the path of the latter, and reveals how consistent the candidate’s behavior is with his Ideal.
As the candidate is admitted, he must be aware of his duties, and his incorporation depends upon his acceptance of these duties.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
