Course VII - Teaching 2: First Renunciation

The man lives unconsciously centered on his personal ego. The rational power that characterizes the Aryan man creates in him the illusion of his own mental world, which he deems different from that of others. Since his early years, he is led according to certain mental moulds and certain behavior by mainly fostering his ancestral mental limitation.
These outlooks and forms of thinking and feeling are as usual in him as to deem they cannot be detached from his ego, and he fears to lose them since they grant an illusory independence and security.
Renunciation is the mean that allows overcoming this partial state of being.
Cafh provides the Son with initiatory means for Renunciation.
The name of every being is modulated expression of his personal ego.
As the new aspirant takes his vow and says his civilian name to enter Cafh, he fixes and dissolves his name in the Mystical Cafh’s Body, being purified in the fire of this high vibration. As soon as the Son enters, he is potentially liberated by fixation and dissolution.
Immanently and at certain moments, the Son can become different from his individuality by taking this transcendental and supernatural step of offering. The real essence of the soul differs from his personality with which he was intimately identified, and recognizes all his limitations and his incapacity to lead the soul to the perfection. It is then when the Son intimately renounces to deceive and deem he is able to be and to do, enters the path leading to his sincerest humility and starts the sense of Renunciation as state.
Soul imperfections and his own inferiority stand out and can be recognized in this state. Also actions, thoughts and feelings focused on the personal ego are disturbed and give way to more expansive states of consciousness.
This inner transformation of the Son, as a result of his first renunciations, is absolutely indispensable to aright knowledge of the Teaching and words of his Superior.
A Son renounces to the strong impulses of his personal will in this first stage of his spiritual life, and meekly allows being led. This attitude leads him to contact the Great Current that allows him more easily overcoming more easily the first obstacles on his Path.
So the new, ingenuous and pure Son gets his first experiences by means of renunciation. But not for this they are not mainly transcendent because these first contacts with renunciation can lead the soul to live intense states of inner fullness.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
