Course VI - Teaching 8: Illumination - 1954
Sons of the Divine Mother, keep the spiritual Heritage that She has granted to you.
There is no higher good in the earth than to possess a supernatural Gift, a Divine Message addressed to the Heart.
And illuminate every though, every word and every act of your like with that supernatural light granted to you.
Lives of men are lost in the sands of time, but the humblest and littlest life is written on heaven and remains eternally if it is illuminated by a supernatural power.
Here is the main mission of Cafh in relation to souls, granting to them a sense of the supernatural, Divine and Everlasting aspect.
Oh Sons of Fire!, illuminate the night of the world. Your divine spark is enough: the spark that the Mother gave you the Day of your Offering.
Your Offering is so tenuous, tiny and unnoticed, but despite its smallness, it can burn the entire Universe.
Illuminate the souls constantly by your supernatural flame.
Many souls have revived under your protection, but this work just starts.
Many souls in America are expecting far way, anxiously and trustingly, the Message from the Sons of Cafh.
Your mission never must become something human and ordinary; on the contrary, the Sons must transform what is human and ordinary by a lofty and divine touch.
Never forget that you are keeping a divine treasure, a supernatural spark in the soul, and that you must give only this to the souls, because they expect the message from Cafh.