Course VI - Teaching 3: Toward the Summit- 1949

Souls of the Mother, Sons of Cafh’s Flame, look at the summit in your internal heaven.
Secretly, continuously go toward it.
The distant ringing of the Great Bell reached your and, awakened from your drowsiness, you realised that absolutely nothing you could do for your happiness or for happiness of anyone.
There below you left on the great screen of the world your silhouette and freely disappeared escaping notice. Secretly, continuously, you went to the mount, to the inner life.
And you left to others, to your beloved ones, just a promise: the promise of coming back rich and powerful, with your arms covered by roses and your hands full of graces to heal the sick, to comfort the distressed and to give bread to the hungry.
Do not stop if you wish to come back for so great mission; always upward, toward the night of the spirit.
Souls of the Mother: come.
I know the path, I crossed the valleys and reached the end.
We are going there, toward your destination, toward the Temple in the Summit.
The weakest will seek refuge in grottoes to become stronger, while the pealing of the Great Bell reaches them like a message of calm; they are still there, up high.
The most resolute will find vast valleys and there will acquire the gift of a passionless experience, and from there will prepare white and protective clothes for the chosen, for those who are about to start the ascension, and they will look at them with ecstatic eyes of charity as they move away.
But the chosen will go up through the snowy slope, upper and upper, always beyond; and there the Great Bell repeats the Big Bang of the Creation.
The guides will go ahead, because they know the way.
Come with me, Sons of the Flame of Cafh.
May all be one, the weakest, the boldest and the chosen, ever ready to encourage one another, to assist the fallen fellow, ever ready to give way and make a sacrifice for those who want to go upward and upward.
Look at the Summit of your internal heaven.
Go secretly, continuously upward, souls of the Mother, Sons of Cafh.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
