Course VI - Teaching 13: The Way of Renunciation - 1959

Sons of Cafh, the Way to Renunciation is your way.
Your presence in the Radius of Stability must be the Living Presence of the supernatural aspect on the earth.
You are the human magnetic point that will be expansion point to give to the souls a new contact with the redeemed life.
May your Renunciation expands on the entire earth and on all souls, like a surge of love and renewal.
Sons of Cafh: the Way to Renunciation is your way, is the Way of your Presence, of your Participation and of your permanent Responsibility!
Be your soul quiet in the realisation of the inner ministry of love to transform your Silence into perfect void.
The new salvation work, which will be transmitted to the souls, will emerge in absolute Silence and permanent and perfect void.
In absolute Silence you will achieve every way, arriving at any goal, and your soul will learn the unique true of participation, salvation and expansion.
Just whoever takes part in silence transforms his human life into divine life, and is a tie of love between heaven and earth.
Sons of Cafh, remain in expectant attitude of submission and love before Me because I am your image.
Submission to My Voice, dependence on My Love, and being like My Divinity; here is the fidelity of fidelities, and this is to be liberated in order to liberate.
Sons, this is so because the secret of perfect love and growing fidelity is your purification to purify, your illumination to illuminate, and your offering to Be.
Sons of Cafh: the Way to Renunciation is your way, your mystique and your truth.
Through your own donation you will receive, through your own loss you will find, and through your offering you will live.
Renunciation is source of life and happiness, and its realisation is the only source of salvation in the world. Sons of Cafh: renounce to your will and transform your soul into a lake of blessedness.
Whoever forces his will to obey, gets rid of any mental burden and possesses just one point, one idea and one purpose. His human life became divine life; reversibility of values granted to him power of eternity.
Sons of Cafh: the Way to Renunciation is your way, the Way that you must show to the souls.
Through Renunciation, you will collaborate to found a Universal Society on the earth, and to form new types of Consecrated Families, integrated by Sons.
Through Renunciation, you will be consecrated Priest of my Divine Love on the earth.
Sons of Cafh: your renunciations are the Integrity of the Great Work; the Way to Renunciation is the Way described by the Great Current in the Universe; Renunciation is Substantial Union.
Sons of Cafh: be Renunciation!
Renounce to books for the sake of the Teaching of the Regulation; renounce to sensations for the sake of the Mystique of Love; renounce to exertions for the sake of the work of your hands; and renounce to knowledge for the sake of Initiation. Only one word give the key to the secret of the Universe.
Sons of Cafh: the Way to Renunciation is your Way.
Leave your yesterday and your tomorrow, and live giving; just to give is to live. All the rest is past and death.
Form only one body in Cafh; a mystical body that may be image of all souls; to that all souls may be contained it, reflect in it and be it.
Renunciation is Presence in the Radius of Stability, in families founding Consecrated Families, in the universal society founding Communities of Ordained Sons.
Renunciation is divine participation in sufferings of mankind for the fulfilment of Vows.
Renunciation is reversibility of values, of every value, in the unique value of offering, surrender and holocaust.
Sons of Cafh: Renunciation is your Way.
By Renunciation your human live becomes supernatural, and the Masters of heaven and earth who lead you become one with your soul, because Renunciation is the goal of the immeasurable Blessedness.
There, where I remain eternally and I am the Simple Witness of your soul.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
