Course II - Teaching 11: Wisdom

If the ninth mystery of Sacrifice, on its loftiest grade, transforms man into a master of compassion, the tenth mystery makes of him a master of wisdom.
Sorrow may be effectively valuable only by “feeling” it collectively and “understanding” individually.
The spiritual student is the only person that can understand the case of every human being and the reason of his suffering if Mankind has to be helped by that sweet torment of ineffable expectation and continuous wish so that all may become and certainly be liberated from the chains of sorrow.
A person that knows and felt in himself all sorrows of beings and is not affected by them is the only one that can descend among men and understand their sorrows. He knows the roots of evils, how they are brought about and how they end; to him nothing is strange or alarming; he does not brand anyone as good or bad; he analyzes with serenity and examines minutely every case until he exposes it and finds the cause of evil and sorrow.
In the hands of a person that knows, suffering becomes power, a living power to take sorrow from an unsuitable field to a propitious field, and to remove sorrow by knowing the cause of evil. All these beings can get down into depths of human misery, because their knowledge is really so great that nothing harms them. But they always get new motives and experiences to remove evils from every individual. The advice of these beings is a vivid light. Their help is really so vital and important that instead of being manifested in the soul, is hinted in it.
Only they know how to correct the ignorant, how to comfort people that do wrong, how to show the good way to a being that is lost, how to cheer up the sad, how to forgive affronts and patiently undergo adversities of any kind.
One of these masters of wisdom passed one day by a road, and someone saw him and said, “I have seen an unknown man who has filled my soul with joy and happiness”.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
