Renunciation is the way of Cafh and there is no other way to save the world.
Renunciation is the only means of salvation not only for Sons of Cafh but even for all Humanity.
When the Blessed Buddha began to assemble his sons to teach them the extraordinary truth that all is renunciation and nothing is lasting in the world, his first action was not to comment that everything perishes and finishes, but to send them to a cemetery.
To renounce is to overcome a dimensional time to live a time that is expansive, immense and eternal. But these words sound very hollow and theatrical if you do not try to live and grasp them within, by transforming the sense of time into eternal reality.
De Rancé, a reformer of the Cistercian Order and founder of the Trappe, is one of the most beautiful examples of contemplating death and sorrow.
When does death call him to the true life by removing him from the illusory world and leading him to the summit of the most pure sanctity?
Renunciation is the only truth that a man can know because is the opposite attachment –which is falsehood and ignorance–, on which men establish their knowledge.
To desire a permanent life and to believe that the world is a lasting good brings every misery, pain and evil to the world.
A beautiful Tibetan legend tells the story about how one can overcome sleep.
Once upon a time there was an ascetic of great virtue and holiness, who controlled all his minds, senses and faculties but desired to remain ever mentally united with God.
Renunciation –understood as unique salvation of the world, taken with Holy Vows, and daily lived through acts and rhythm of Community– inevitably leads to a mystique and to certain way of expansive inner life.
The most wonderful and surprising aspect in the life of Saint Paul of the Cross is his extraordinary spirit of renunciation and absolute detachment of anything in the world; and this is so great that he establishes in the Christian world a congregation totally devoted to achieve this as similar mystical death as mystical death of souls offered in holocaust to redeem Humanity.
Renunciation kills man for man to live.
When men of the world observe the souls, their expressions are harsh. How many times we hear about generous people who passed away: “So it is easy to go to God, by leaving everything behind.
The Gospel says: “And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life”.