Spiritual Development

Course I - Teaching 1: Hidrochosa

New ideas and works are in preparation for the world. If the race of the Christian sign of Fishes has highly developed collective states and great mass movements, the sixth sub-race will specially develop the “egoentia” of being.

Course I - Teaching 2: The Secret Tabernacle

When a man decides to start something new, the laws of logic establish implicitly that is indispensable to begin from the starting point commonly set to achieve the object. So it is understood that when the candidate starts his way to perfection, he must reform his precedent life, like other people who already climbed on the summits of the soul.

Course I - Teaching 3: The Flame

“The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak.” Many people would wish to go out of vulgarity and misery of life; but lack of spiritual exercises, absence of environment, and inner enemies constantly block the way in the better-intentioned person.

Course I - Teaching 4: Backward Survey

More or less approximately we can represent the thought as water flowing down continuously from unknown mountains (the instinctive, the rational part), following a course previously shaped and traced, and at the end flowing into the vast sea of matter.

Course I - Teaching 5: Reserve of Energies

If the beginner wants a rapid progress, he is bound to get used to reserve his physical, intellectual and moral energies. The motto “working is praying” is true, if by work we understand a perfect self-consciousness of the being as to all his deeds, even the most insignificant.

Course I - Teaching 6: Method of Living

Be methodical in your lives, years and days. Look at the magnificent vault of heaven, how solar systems and stars follow their orbs; look at the turns of cosmic years and human days.

Course I - Teaching 7: Assistance and Work

A disciple is bound to be like an ever-alert sentinel because at any moment he can be called to the Labor. Masters who lead destinies of the world will call him to work as soon as the aspirant is ready enough to take part in it.

Course I - Teaching 8: Renunciation

If a being renounced, not to eventual harmful things to his wellbeing, but for the sake of freedom, he would reach, while living, untold happiness, total serenity and a state of indescribable natural ecstasy.

Course I - Teaching 9: Courage and Self-control

Fear goes on to reign in the world in spite of everything that has been said and written about Courage. From an ancestral fear containing any spasm and fight for personal defense, to a fear subtly disguised behind the name of self-defense, fear goes on to intimidate the hearts of men.

Course I - Teaching 10: Exercise of Memory

Memory is a vague or clear remembrance of past things; it is a mental fixation of present things, and an obvious imagination of the future. These three times of memory become indispensable so that it may be properly named memory.