Lecture of the Knight Great Master based on written remarks made by Mrs. Amelia at request of him. He used those remarks exclusively related to education and treatment of children at college.
Tsong-ka-pa says that the seven first years spent in a Community are the most difficult, because the spirit of Community takes forms during these years; the ten following years, the Mystical Body of the Community takes forms, but the Community is unshakeable after fifty years.
Observance is the greatest and more valuable pearl of Cafh’s Sons, and above all, Community’s Sons. Just by Observance surely we can be loyal to our vocation and to the right fulfillment of our Vows; so we shall deserve to die protected and loved by our Divine Mother.
This lecture is given as spiritual instruction, and contains warnings of the Knight Great Master about prayer, its practice and the moment to alter one’s method of prayer.
The Sons state that during the hour devoted to meditation they experience dryness, distraction and drowsiness.
The Community Sons are very few, and Cafh has made many efforts to educate them because we suppose they will be Superiors of the future.
They have to be Superiors in every aspect; so, the Knight Great Master corrects them so much, since the future of Cafh depends upon them.
Humanity is living a very important moment because it is not divided into classes, but into two sectors prepared to wage war and to destroy each other: one man produces and other man exploits this productivity.
We cannot conclude our Retirement not considering our People and our Eternity, from which we get consolation and assistance, and above all, those guides that are with us and help us go quickly across the bridge.
The Divine Mother granted the grace of his vocation to the Ordained Son, and this divine vocation led him to the Holy Gate of the Divine Mother’s Home. It is the Divine Mother who went through obstacles, and broke ties of the world and senses.
Our main task is to life the inner life, and this is impossible without prayer. So, prayer is our main purpose and duty.
When the Initiate Knight is before the Divine Mother for the Mystical Wedding, he asks, Where were you, My Beloved?
We are men and we get used to separation: so we speak of certain ages and dates for the Incarnation of the Savior of Humanity, as if every Initiate that comes is different from other.