Interpretation for the Ordained of Community

XLVI - Teaching 1: The Holy Gate

When aspirants to Ordination pass through the Golden Gate toward the House of the Mother, they enter Her sanctuary for the first time. It is called sanctuary because nobody treads on it, except souls consecrated to it.

Course XLVI - Teaching 2: Entry to Seminary

The Sons that enter the Ordination Seminary will take their Temporary Vow. Although they come from groups of Squires or Damsels of Lonely Beings, they will be dispensed of their Solemn Vows to enter as Pages or Maidens.

Course XLVI - Teaching 3: Way of Dressing

The Sons will take with them their personal clothes and everything necessary for their use when they enter the Seminary. Men will take: two suits, overcoat and underwear. Women: two thick dresses, two summer dresses and one winter overcoat, and nightshirts.

Course XLVI - Teaching 4: Perfect Observance

The Divine Mother abides in a House of Ordination where the Regulation, daily schedule and indications of the Superiors are observed strictly. To be eager for making many works, for experiencing much mortification and for studying many Teachings is totally in vain if one does not pay attention to his daily Observance.

Course XLVI - Teaching 5: Usual Silence and Rigorous Silence

The Sons will observe very rigorous Silence during their stay in the Seminary. They will not speak or have any treat with other Ordained Sons, and if the Director instructs them to perform certain errand, their words will be strictly indispensable with the related persons.

Course XLVI - Teaching 6: Prayers and Studies of the Seminary

In the Seminary, the Sons will make their studies in common and also their meditations, except that of the night, which has to be made at the foot of the bed.

Course XLVI - Teaching 7: Superiors of the Ordained Sons

The Knight Great Master grants authority to the Director of Seminary of Ordained Sons. If the Seminary has a Vice-Director, his especial competence is to teach to the Sons manual works and practices and customs of life in Community.

Course XLVI - Teaching 8: Necessary Manual Work

Ordained: never be idle; your hands must make certain work even during your conversation and recreation. In Torino, in the House of the Cottolengo, the continuous activity of the Vicentine Nuns calls especially the attention; even at the entrance, the nun in charge of the door assist not only the door and people, but at the same time she keeps on knitting socks.

Course XLVI - Teaching 9: Instructions about Manual Works

The Director of Seminary will instruct all the Sons to join together even during the period of manual work; and if a Son should make certain special work apart from others, he must keep Rigorous Silence.

Course XLVI - Teaching 10: Behavior with Relatives

During their months in the Seminary, the Sons will not have any visit from their relatives to accustom the human nature to this new life. They will not correspond with anyone, except strictly family letters, and will not send or receive letters that are nor previously read and approved by the Superior of the Community.