Affective Meditation

Course XV - Teaching 11: The Standard

Generally, in observing the spiritual process of the souls, at a moment the enthusiasm for purification decreases and the meditator stops by repeating inconsistent imaginative pictures that, because of their repetition, neither arouse enthusiasm, nor make the soul progress in the purgative aspect or in the spiritual process in general.

Course XV - Teaching 12: The Temple of Gold

An ordinary man tries to solve his anxieties as soon perceives that distraction and entertainment are forgotten, and perhaps he does not notice that these means move away just temporarily from the mental surface the hammering of his troubles, while in his own soul, the latter remain unsolved.

Course XV - Teaching 13: The Veil of Ahehia

We cannot take for granted that the purgative face of meditation reduces any evil existing in the soul and that the loving face is the positive, or constructive, aspect of the work, for one and the other become indispensable to get spiritual aims.

Course XV - Teaching 14: Resurrection of Hes

The subtlest vibration –the potential aspect– is immolated one day on the continuous movement produced by the becoming. She emanates from that time on and Her emanation is activity and life.

Course XV - Teaching 15: The System of Meditation

Is there any relationship between the seven classical subjects of meditation so far analyzed? Does this order respond to the process that naturally must develop in the soul of the meditator?

Course XV - Teaching 16: Final Comments

In this work we have emphasized the need of joining personal factors of the meditator to the exercise of affective meditation, that is, imaginative pictures should be personal experiences of the practitioner, on the light of the mental scene, sensations should be direct consequence of the picture, et cetera; and seemingly this limits the method, in an exclusive way, to critical possibilities, whether analytical or intellectual, of the practitioner.