Course I - Teaching 16: Transmutation

As a being crosses the human circle, he receives from the Fairy Nature’s hands the gift to use spontaneously his sex.
Animals are subject to times, rut seasons, and instinctive male-female combinations and alternatives, while a normal man in healthy condition can use the reproductive act when he feels convenient and necessary, according to his instinct and reason.
As the Universe in its expansive and constructive shape, likewise genital male-female organs are a minute image of palpitating cosmic forces.
They are true divine instruments trusted to men in order to be source of existence and not only of existence but also of constant renewal of life, but man feels that he was given these instruments for procreation and pleasure. But it is not so, since besides this, they have other inner function: to irrigate one’s blood with wonderful lymph to a continuous renewal of the existence.
Not many years ago, even science had understood this great truth; but still it is bound to discover the true sense of the sex Transmutation, which is not only beneficial blood irrigation but also a psychic tonic for the mind and soul.
One’s testicles provide semen, and ovaries are receptacles of the ovum, but the ones and the others have besides interstitial glands, whose function is the inner secretion. This generative, invigorating interstitial function becomes psychic force through Transmutation when the mind, concentrated on the said function, takes part, since the mind is the primary factor of it.
There are six different forms of Transmutation:
The first form is the natural, and made subconsciously by the mind, especially during the puberty years. Then, the inner secretion is so big that the mind is instinctively forced to its distribution through the body and to the transformation of the surplus into psychic force.
This occurs not only in critical periods but even all times when this inner secretion is overabundant.
The second form is the aberrant.
Certain beings reach a dissatisfaction state by continuous sex abuse. This dissatisfaction leads to look for so much refined means that eventually the mind strongly focuses the object, fosters the Transmutation, gives rise to a gross psychic state, and promotes the use of narcotics.
The whole medieval sex magic was founded upon this Transmutation practice. That famous Sabbatical assembly of witches, which caused the Inquisition pyre to burn for centuries, was nothing else that sex aberration producing psychic transmutation. During the spasmodic ecstasy, the mind –as the more strenuous factor– would raise psychic forces. After this spasm, the subject was drowsy, later in deep sleep, and then he would spend his accumulated reserves by shaping his desired images.
The third form is the conjugal.
All religions have sanctified the marriage so that the sexual act may become a worship act, a mental act.
Its aim, to follow the generation law and the marriage injunction, produced true Transmutations in certain mystics since semen, that ever is along with a psychic charge, was launched alone, by effect of the will, conveying the whole energy to the brain.
Thence, here is the value of a religious marriage.
The fourth form is the virginal.
When a body in no way has tested the effects of the sexual pleasure, sexual testicle-ovary forces get gradually back to the interstitial glands, and Transmutation occurs, but after many years.
In these beings, their mental force becomes extraordinary; they ever were the chief supporters of any religion or Philosophical or Spiritualistic Institutions.
Saint Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, was in love with virginity, conquered many maidens for the cloister, and untiringly repeated: the power of the Christian Church is established in virginity.
The fifth form is that of celibates.
At certain stages of their lives, many beings feel necessary to renounce to material pleasures and to enjoy pure satisfactions of the soul. There is a continuous celibacy and a periodical celibacy.
Every man or woman in the Spiritual Path should annually practice forty days of celibacy.
In India, at certain age, celibacy is compulsory and imposed by Manu’s laws.
Transmutation is possible by lack of pleasure known and by efforts to overcome it.
The sixth form is the psychic.
As it has been said, semen is ever charged with a material, psychic and mental force.
A strong, trained will, which knows the sex use and satisfaction derived from renunciation, can separate entirely these three forces; and even by expelling semen outwards, he sends energy to the blood and mental matter to the brain.
For the time being this practice is not recommendable, since exercises to get this control are reserved for higher courses.

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